Bulk Delete Items


 1  The first step is to open Items and click Search... Please note you can search by name, id, location id, department, aisle etc.

Step 1 image

 2  Type Search keyword... and Press Enter. You will now see items that match the search criteria

Step 2 image

 3  You can see 4 items are showing up below. Make sure you have the correct items below that you want to Delete. Click Delete

Step 3 image

 4  If you want to delete all the Searched Items. Click Searched

Step 4 image

 5  Click Continue

Step 5 image

 6  To publish the updates to the App. Click Dashboard

Step 6 image

 7  Click Publish Now

Step 7 image

 8  Click OK

Step 8 image

 9  That's it. You're done.

Step 9 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners


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