Bulk Upload Items using .csv file


 1  The first step is to open Items on AVOCADO Dashboard and click Upload CSV

Step 1 image

 2  The labels on left side are column names on the csv file. The drop downs are mapping options available to map each column. You can Select Mapping to map each column to the correct attribute on the AVOCADO Dashboard.

Step 2 image

 3  Map the correct attribute. In this case Price

Step 3 image

 4  Please note, Locations need to have the location id for the location. You can have multiple locations for an item. Add each location id separated by comma to add multiple locations for an item.

Step 4 image

 5  Once done, Click Continue

Step 5 image

 6  Click OK

Step 6 image

 7  Next step is to publish new items on the AVOCADO app. To do that, Click Dashboard

Step 7 image

 8  Click Publish Now

Step 8 image

 9  Once successfully published, the items will appear on the app within 1 hour. Click OK

Step 9 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners


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