Add a payment method


This is a walk-through on how to add a payment method. Payment method is needed to allow publishing of any changes to the app.

 1  Please note, a payment method needs to be setup to publish any changes to your store or product listing. The first step is to open Avocado Dashboard and click Settings

Step 1 image

 2  Please add a credit card or debit card to AVOCADO dashboard. A credit or debit card on file is needed to make any changes to your product listing. Go to Payment and Click Add

Step 2 image

 3  Click Name on Card

Step 3 image

 4  Type Name on Card and Press Tab

Step 4 image

 5  Type Credit or debit card number

Step 5 image

 6  Click Credit or debit card expiration date

Step 6 image

 7  Type Credit or debit card expiration date

Step 7 image

 8  Click Credit or debit card CVC/CVV

Step 8 image

 9  Type Credit or debit card CVC/CVV

Step 9 image

 10  Doubleclick Add Card. Thats it you are done!

Step 10 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners

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