How to be a good shopper?

Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives. The world has changed from quality to quantity, and so have we.

----- WILLIAM A. FOSTER, attributed, Igniting the Spirit at Work: Daily Reflections

When in doubt, mark item as "Not Available"

Items not available

If an item is not available, you need to make sure that you have marked the item as "Not Available" in the app. For doing so, you need to press "Not Available", it will show replacement screen, press "Not Available" again.


1. Choose high quality produce. Keep it refrigerated as needed in the store. The delivery may happen several hours after the order is shopped. Keep the produce safe and refrigerated as needed.

Examples below:

a) If bananas are completely ripe, and you think it may get rotten during transport, do not shop for bananas

2. Do not do replacements for vegetables, for e.g. do not replace mint with coriander. Do not replace one variety of mangoes with different variety of mangoes. 

The only allowed replacement is -- you can replace one variety of tomatoes with different variety of tomatoes. This is allowed as tomato is usually an essential ingredient in cooking and if customer does not receive tomato then he will have to go to shop himself

3. Try not to send extra quantity for produce. Ask for the store to provide a weighing machine close to the produce section (if not already available). 

Other Items

1. Look for expiry dates for all food items especially things like Milk, Yogurt, Bournvita.


(Please note in these uncertain times with respect to available inventory and brands, these guidelines may change. Please see current guidelines.)

1. When replacing an item, always make sure you find the replacement in the app and make sure to select it.

If replacement item is not available in the app, then take a picture of item available in the store and send to Yash to add for later. For that transaction do not replace

2. What replacements are allowed?

a) Size: Smaller size of the same brand and same item is allowed. Please make sure to select the correct replacement in the app. If you do not find correct replacement in the app, then adjust the quantity to a lower quantity based upon the price. 

b) Replace with a different brand. Make sure to choose the correct replacement in the app. If you do not find the replacement item in the app then do not replace. 

What replacements are not allowed?

1. Do not replace organic with non-organic brands

2. Do not replace with different flavor or different variety.

Examples below:

a. Do not replace one daily milk chocolate with another flavor or variety. Do not replace one pickle with another pickle brand or variety. 

b. Do not replace one variety of rice with different variety of rice

c. Do not replace parathas with anything that is not ordered. so do not replace paneer parantha with aloo parantha etc.

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